How To Talk About Liars And Lying

How To Talk About Liars And Lying

1 A notorious liar 臭名昭著的骗子

you don’t fool even some of the people Everybody knows your propensity for avoiding facts.You have built so solid and unsavory a reputation that only a stranger is likely to be misled——and then,not for long.


2 A consummate liar 说慌老手

to the highest summits of artistry Your ability is top-drawer——rarely does anyone lie as convincingly or as artistically as you do.Your skill has,in short,reached the zenith of perfection.Indeed,your mastery of the art is so great that your lying is almost always crowned with success——and you have no trouble seducing an unwary listener into believing that you are telling gospel truth.


3 An incorrigible liar 积习难改的骗子

beyond redemption or salvation You are impervious to correction,Often as you may be caught in your fabrications,there is no reforming you——you go right on lying despite the punishment,embarrassment,or unhappiness that your distortions of truth may bring upon you.


4 An inveterate liar 说谎成瘾的人

You are the victim of firmly fixed and deep-rooted habits.Telling untruths is as frequent and customary an activity as brushing your teeth in the moring,or having toast and coffee for breakfast,or lighting up a cigarette after dinner(if you are a smoker).And almost as reflexive.


5 A congenial liar 天生的骗子

an early start You have such a long history of persistent falsification that one can only suspect that your vice started when you were reposing in your mother’s womb.In other words,and allowing for a great deal of exaggeration for effect,you have been lying from the moment of your birth.


6 A chronic liar 常年说谎的骗子

no letup You never stop lying.while normal people lie on occasion,and often for special reasons,you lie continually——not occasionally or even frequently,but over and over.


7 A pathological liar 病态撒谎者

a strange disease You are not concerned with the difference between truth and falsehood;you do not bother to distinguish fact from fantasy.In fact,your lying is a disease that no antibiotic can cure


8 An unconscionable liar 没良心的说谎者

no regrets You are completely without a conscience.No matter what misery your fabrications may cause your innocent victims,you never feel the slightest twinge of guilt.Totally unscrupulous,you are a dangerous person to get mixed up with. 你完全没有良知。不论你的谎言给无辜的受害者造成了多大的痛苦,你都不会感到一点点有罪的刺痛。你完全不讲道德,和你相处非常的危险。

9 A glib liar 油嘴滑舌的说谎者

smooth! Possessed of a lively imagination and a ready tongue,you can distort facts as smoothly and as effortlessly as you can say your name.But you do not always get away with your lies. Ironically enough,it is your very smoothness that makes you suspect:your answers are too quick to be true.Even if we can’t immediately catch you in your lies,we have learned from unhappy past experience not to suspend our critical faculties when you are talking.We admire your nimble wit,but we listen with a skeptical ear.

拥有生动的想象力而且巧舌如簧,你可以像说出自己的名字一样,流利的,毫不费力的扭曲事实。但是你也并不是总能靠你的谎言逃脱。 具有讽刺意味的是,正因为你撒谎太流利了,才遭人怀疑,你的回答太快了以至于不太像真的。即使我们不能马上发现你在撒谎,我们从过去的不愉快的经验明白,当你说话的时候,我们不能放弃自己的判断力。我们欣赏你的敏锐的智慧,但是我们听的时候都是带着怀疑的。

10 A egregious liar 恶名昭彰的的说谎者

outstanding! Lies,after all,are bad——they are frequently injurious to other people,and may have a particularly dangerous effect on you as a liar.At best,if you are caught you suffer some embarrassment.At worst,if you succeed in your deception your character becomes warped and your sense of values suffers.Almost all lies are harmful;some are no less than vicious. If you are one type of liar,all your lies are vicious——calculatedly,predeterminedly,coldly,and advisedly vicious.In short,your lies are so outstandingly hurtful that people gasp in amazement and disgust at hearing them.

谎言终究是一个坏东西——它们常常会伤害到别人,而且对你这个骗子来说,也可能会有特别的危险影响到你。最好的情况,你谎言被揭穿,你会有一些尴尬。最坏的情况,你的骗术成功了,你的性格变得扭曲,你的价值观受到损害。几乎所有的谎言都是有害的,有些更是恶毒的。 如果你说的谎,都是恶毒的——故意地,事先算计的,冷酷的而且有意作恶的,你就是这种说谎者。简而言之,你的谎言,特别的伤人,以至于人们因为惊愕而屏息,非常厌恶听到它。

引用部分均来自:Word power made easy 一书


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