"Key Takeaway"


10.5 - 结构体、成员和成员选择中我们提到,访问结构体的成员可以使用成员选择运算符

#include <iostream>
struct Employee
    int id {};
    int age {};
    double wage {};
int main()
    Employee joe { 1, 34, 65000.0 };
    // Use member selection operator (.) to select a member from struct object
    ++joe.age; // Joe had a birthday
    joe.wage = 68000.0; // Joe got a promotion
    return 0;


#include <iostream>
struct Employee
    int id{};
    int age{};
    double wage{};
void printEmployee(const Employee& e)
    // Use member selection opeartor (.) to select member from reference to struct
    std::cout << "Id: " << e.id << '\n';
    std::cout << "  Age: " << e.age << '\n';
    std::cout << "  Wage: " << e.wage << '\n';
int main()
    Employee joe{ 1, 34, 65000.0 };
    joe.wage = 68000.0;
    return 0;



#include <iostream>
struct Employee
    int id{};
    int age{};
    double wage{};
int main()
    Employee joe{ 1, 34, 65000.0 };
    joe.wage = 68000.0;
    Employee* ptr{ &joe };
    std::cout << ptr.id << '\n'; // Compile error: can't use operator. with pointers
    return 0;

对于普通变量和引用,我们可以直接访问它。而对于保存着地址的指针来说,我们必须在访问对象前,首先对地址解引用以获得该对象。 所以,通过结构体访问成员的一种方式应该像下面这样:

#include <iostream>
struct Employee
    int id{};
    int age{};
    double wage{};
int main()
    Employee joe{ 1, 34, 65000.0 };
    joe.wage = 68000.0;
    Employee* ptr{ &joe };
    std::cout << (*ptr).id << '\n'; // Not great but works: First dereference ptr, then use member selection
    return 0;



#include <iostream>
struct Employee
    int id{};
    int age{};
    double wage{};
int main()
    Employee joe{ 1, 34, 65000.0 };
    joe.wage = 68000.0;
    Employee* ptr{ &joe };
    std::cout << ptr->id << '\n'; // Better: use -> to select member from pointer to object
    return 0;






#include <iostream>
#include <string>
struct Paw
    int claws{};
struct Animal
    std::string name{};
    Paw paw{};
int main()
    Animal puma{ "Puma", { 5 } };
    Animal* ptr{ &puma };
    // ptr is a pointer, use ->
    // paw is not a pointer, use .
    std::cout << (ptr->paw).claws << '\n';
    return 0;

注意 (ptr->paw).claws中的括号是可选的,因为 operator-> and operator. 都是从左向右进行运算的,但是添加括号可以提高可读性。