How To Talk About Actions---disparage

How To Talk About Actions---disparage

1.playing it down

Ready to go back thirty or more years?Consider some post-World War II American political history:


Harry Truman couldn’t win the 1948 election.The pollsters said so,the Republicans heartily agreed,even the Democrats,some in high places,believed it.Mr.Truman himself was perhaps the only voter in the country who was not entirely convinced.


Came the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November——well,if you were one of those who stayed up most of the night listening to the returns,and then kept your ear to the radio most of the next day,you recall how you reacted to the unique Truman triumph.


It was no mean accomplishment,thought many people.Pure accident,said others.If one out of twelve voters in a few key states had changed his ballot,Harry could have gone back to selling ties,one Republican apologist pointed out.It wasn’t anything Truman did,said another;it was what Dewey didn’t do.No credit to Truman,said a third;it was the farmers——or labor——or the Republicans who hadn’t bothered to vote——or the ingenious miscounting of ballots.No credit to Truman,insisted a fourth;it was Wallace’s candidacy——it was the Democrats——it was Republican overconfidence——it was sunspots——it was the Communists——it was the civil service workers who didn’t want to lose their cushy jobs——it was really Roosevelt who won the election.


Anyway Harry didn’t accomplish a thing——he was just a victim of good fortune. What were the apologists for Dewey’s failure doing? they were disparaging Truman’s achievement


disparaging adj. 毁谤的;轻蔑的 v. 蔑视(disparage的ing形式)



early 14c., “degrade socially,” from Old French desparagier (Modern French déparager) “reduce in rank, degrade, devalue, depreciate,” originally “to marry unequally,” and thus by extension the disgrace or dishonor involved in this, from des- “away” (see dis-) + parage “rank, lineage” (see peer (n.)). Sense of “belittle” first recorded 1530s. Related: Disparaged; disparaging; disparagingly.

可以看到,它的意思是”degrade socially”,degrade是贬低,socially是社会方面的。 也就是说,在社会上黑某人。
其中含有几个词根,des-(dis-) “away”,远离。parage “rank, lineage”(等级,血统) dis-这个很常见的否定前缀,我们就不详细说了。这里我们主要介绍一下par这个词根,

如果你打过高尔夫的话,你应该知道「标准杆」的说法,英文就是par,你完成比赛的杆数可能高于标准杆,低于标准杆或者等于标准杆。par来自拉丁语,意思是equal「平等」。 parity的意思是equality「平等」,disparity「不同,不一致,不等」,形容人的「言辞不一」就可以用这个词。

  • compare想必大家不陌生。「比较,比喻」,既然是比较就要有标准(par),既然是比喻,就要有相同,类似的地方(par),这些都是par,com-(con- together,with)表示伴随,compare就是平等,类似的东西放在一起比一比。

  • pair是「一对,一双,一副」,一双鞋里面的两只是「平等」的。

  • peer是「同等的人」,年龄,地位,能力等等方面相等或相仿。当然,在英国这个词由贵族的意思。

  • 再回到disparage这个词,根据前面讨论的结果,应该是你dis了某人的par,你降低了某人的标准,诋毁了某人。

引用部分均来自:Word power made easy 一书和在线才词源字典。


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