How To Talk About Actions---titillate

How To Talk About Actions---titillate

Enjoying the little things

Have you ever gone through a book that was so good you kept hugging yourself mentally as you read? Have you ever seen a play or motion picture that was so charming that you felt sheer delight as you watched? Or perhaps you have had a portion of pumpkin chiffon pie,light and airy and mildly flavored,and with a flaky,delicious crust,that was the last word in gustatory enjoyment?

你是否曾经在读一本书的时候,因为这本书是在是太棒了,让你难以自拔? 你是否曾经在看戏剧或者电影的时候,因为画面太迷人了,而感到了纯粹的喜悦?亦或是你曾经吃过一块特别好吃的南瓜饼,口味清淡,香气幽然,还有那薄薄脆脆又美味的外皮,真是最棒的味觉享受?

Now notice the examples I have used. I have not spoken of books that grip you emotionally, of plays and movies that keep you on the edge of your seat in suspense , or of food that satisfies a ravenous hunger.These would offer quite a different, perhaps more lasting and memorable, type of enjoyment. I have detailed,rather,mental or physical stimuli that excite enjoyable but not too sharply——a delightful novel, a charming play, a delicious dessert.


How do such things affect you?


They titillate you.



titillate vt. 使觉得痒;使高兴 vi. 感到兴奋;被激发

  1. touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements
  2. excite pleasurably or erotically


titillate来自拉丁语titillare,表示”to tickle”,使人发痒。有着实际的意义或是象征性的意义,也就是说,可以描述咯吱人这个动作或是使人发笑,兴奋的这种象征意味。


引用部分均来自:Word power made easy 一书和在线词源字典。


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